:INNOV8CONSULTATIONS: is a sister company to :INNOV8PLANNING: utilising internal and external PR and planning expertise to steer applications and applicants through the pre-application consultation process.
Pre-application consultation and Statement of Community Involvement (SCI prepared to explain how applicants engage the public in the planning process) have been required as part of the planning process for approximately 20 years
Over those years pre-application consultation has become a key stage in any significant planning application.
Key to this is ensuring that applications enter the process with a draft scheme that is open to flexibility and amendment – subject to advice and opinion from local stakeholders. A ‘fait d’accompli’ approach simply won’t work.
The pre-application process is key to ensuring that local stakeholders are aware that the developer is taking their thoughts and considerations seriously and, in turn, allows the developer to allay fears of local residents, reduce misnomers and fully explain the rationale for a particular proposal.
Experience of liaison with regular liaison groups for significant and often controversial development projects has taught us to treat interest groups with empathy and that collaboration is a key element to any successful public consultation exercise.
This page will include links to future development proposals that with be the subject of pre-application consultation, allow you to have your say on the proposals and ask further questions.